Saturday, January 29, 2011

In the beginning...

Every journey must have a beginning. An appropriate place to start might be the mighty Niagara Falls. In what is apparently a fallen section of old Table Rock, one seems to see the faint image of a man.

A couple things to mention here: old men, Native American faces, sphinx-like formations, and even George Washington, are among the most common features that will present themselves. And yes - certain ones will harken back to an earlier era in history with names that are now politically incorrect - and obsolete.

The Old Man at Niagara Falls - circa 1870s

Profiles in Stone

Some years ago as part of my experimentation into the world of web pages and HTML, a site once existed known as Profiles in Stone. Basically it was an extension of my investigations into rocky formations around the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. With the downfall of AOL's free FTP space - so went Profiles in Stone.

Returning anew, the theme is now expanded to provide a much more encompassing database of stony, humanoid formations. Feel free to add to the base of knowledge through the comment section. Many of the images will be antique and I'm sure time has brought change.

So without further ado - let the journey begin...